Monday, September 20, 2010


Have you ever had a time when you felt like everything about you was changing? 'CHANGE' is one of those things that no one likes, but is needed in order to be productive, and to live a life worthy of living.

I can't help but think of how often our jobs, ministries, and lives need to have change. It goes all the way back to elementary school, when we have to go into middle school (or jr./high). For some of us, this was a transition we wanted, for others, we just wanted to stick with what we knew, and stay and have snack time, and nap time. Then we have to move into High School, and for many of us this was an exciting, yet frightening time as well. Then it's time to pick a college to go to, or decide if we even want to go to college or not. This is so hard, because there are so many options, and let's be honest, we think this means that we have to figure out the path for our life right then.

I find it interesting that while each one of these are situations we can relate to, most of us do not look back on these moments and think to ourselves 'man i hated those days'. Sure there were those moments, but as a whole, we can all say that those shaped us to be who we are today.

We also have to deal with 'CHANGE' in our work place, and churches. At work we may get a new boss, who changes the way things are done. Or, the office might get a new system, and you have to learn all the new things that go with that program. At churches all across the US, there is this fight against change.

The common phrases I hear are somthing like:
"we've always done it this way"
"I don't like that screen"
"those instruments are tools of the devil"
"we need to look our best for God"
and the list could just keep going on forever.

I chalenge you to take a moment, and look at the Bible, and see where God asks people to 'CHANGE'.

In the book of Isaiah, the LORD (Yahweh) has told the Israelites that they need to turn from their idols, and live for him. Notice that throughout the book of Isaiah, God is molding them to change the way they view their world. He goes as far as to tell them that their idols are made of wood, and that they are burning parts of the materials of their idols to stay warm ( Isaiah 44:9-20).

They did not want to change, but they needed to, in order to be on the right path with God.

When 'CHANGE' comes, let's not think to ourselves "I DON"T LIKE THIS". Rather, lets think to ourselves, "LORD, PLEASE SHOW ME HOW THIS (state what it is) IS GOING TO BRING HONOR AND GLORY TO YOU"

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