Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Have you ever had one of those weeks, where your just super busy, and everything you do seems to be wrong? Well, WE ALL HAVE! As I have gotten older, I have learned that growing up is not all that it's cracked up to be. Sure I can go to bed when I want to, eat what I want, when I want it, and I can even have friends over if I want. Yet we too often forget about what we leave behind when we grow up. Things such as having laundry done for us, or a dinner (mad that night), or $$$, or not being able to make mistakes because our parents are looking out for us. It sure does suck to get older.

Yet we all have to do it. Just like most things in life, it hurts at the time,but once we get into that mind-set, we find that it really is the best thing for us.

This is the same thing as in our relationship with Jesus! More often than not, we have to go through rough times "spiritually" in order to grow! Let me give you an example.

The Christians of today (myself included) have taken our relationship with God, and turned it into religion! Pastor Mark Driscoll said this about "religion" : " In our age of consumerism, religions are much like salad bars, where people have their own plate and are free to put on it whatever beliefs they find most desirabgle for themselves."

My observation for Christians:
This my friends is why many 30 somthings, and younger have a hard time with the church! They feel that church is all about this tradition, and it doesn't really matter what I ( the person) really thinks. So 1 of 3 things happens.
1) We totally avoid church, God, & religion all together!
2) We go to church, but it really doesn't make a difference for us in our daily lives.(eventual dead churches)
3) We understand that Jesus loves us, and died for us, but we can't stand the church that our parents like and love.

This group ends up filling most of what is called the "emerging church movement" and has many people up in arms. Sure some of these "emerging pastors" don't use the Bible as much as the local baptist church down the street, or use the same methods, but they have people who love God, Love Jesus, and want to serve Jesus.

So before you go judging these "new and/or young" ides, check to see the heart of the person! Change is somthing that inevetably HAS TO & IS GOING TO HAPPEN! So why not embrace change, and let Jesus be the focus, and let Jesus flow through your church into your community?

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