Friday, July 2, 2010

FIghting is for Wimps!!!

I would like to take a moment to thank all of our Military Men & Women who are serving our country right now! I would also like to thank those who are veterans who served our country. THANK YOU!!!

This week I have spent quite a bit of time just thinking aobut what it means to be a Christian and deal with arguments and fights that come our way.

It doesn't matter where you look, it would appear as though fighting, arguing, and not getting along are all things that "just happen" to us. If you look around, you can hear story after story on the news about people who are getting a divorce, or who "fell out of love."

As a Chrisitan, or a person who is thinking about giving Jesus a try, how do we handle fighitng, arguing, and not getting along?

Well, it seems pretty difficult at first. First of all, we see in the Bible that we are not supposed to follow the behaviors and customs of our world ( Romans 12:2) But how do we do this when it's all we see and know? well, let me give you a couple of things that I think about whenever I find myself in a tough situation with my friends or family.
1) I Have Pride!! whcih means that I don't need to do what everyone else is doing. I can be proud of myself for doing the right thing.
2) I I Want People to See God in me!!! which means that people can sense if you like or dislike them. I have found that if they sense I don't like them, then they will turn me out. My God, my views, my opinions, and my life will mean nothing to them because they feel like I don't respect, value, or like them.

So, When your in a argument, or disagreement, or a fight, just remeber to remind yourself of these two things.

This won't help you to do everything the RIGHT way, but it will help you to not make a bad situation worse, and it will help you to worship God through the way in whcih you handle the situation.

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